User Guide

Getting LibSWIFFT

LibSWIFFT is available on GitHub. The code repository can be cloned using git:

git clone

To switch to a specific version of LibSWIFFT, such as v1.2.0, use:

git checkout v1.2.0

As an alternative to getting the repository, a specific version of LibSWIFFT can be obtained from GitHub by switching to the tag of this version and downloading the code as an archive. Then, unpack the archive and change into the unpacked directory, e.g.:

cd LibSWIFFT-1.2.0

Building LibSWIFFT

Currently, LibSWIFFT is implemented to be built using GCC. It has been tested on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using

  • GCC 9.3.0: GCC is normally installed using sudo apt-get install gcc g++.

  • cmake 3.16.3: CMake is normally installed using sudo apt-get install cmake.

  • Catch 2.13.2: Catch2 is normally installed (as documented here) using

git clone
cd Catch2
git checkout v2.13.2
cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
sudo cmake --build build/ --target install

The build is also expected to work on older versions of

  • GCC supporting C++11 as well as avx, avx2, or avx512f

  • cmake supporting target_include_directories

  • Catch2

Running the following commands:

mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..

will build:

  • The static library src/libswifft.a.

  • The shared library src/

  • The tests-executable test/swifft_catch.

By default, the build will be for the native machine. To build with different machine settings, set SWIFFT_MACHINE_COMPILE_FLAGS on the cmake command line, for example:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../.. -DSWIFFT_MACHINE_COMPILE_FLAGS=-march=skylake

To build with OpenMP, in particular for parallelizing multiple-block operations, add -DSWIFFT_ENABLE_OPENMP=on to the cmake command line, for example:


After building, run the tests-executable from the build/release directory:


If all tests pass, LibSWIFFT is good to go!

For development with LibSWIFFT, use the headers in the include directory and either the static or dynamic library.


LibSWIFFT is intended to be used by cryptography researchers and by software developers knowledgeable in cryptography programming. LibSWIFFT is most useful in use cases that require provable-security and speed on short inputs. It may also be interesting in use cases that take advantage of its uncommon homomorphism property. Future versions of LibSWIFFT may target a larger audience.

The main LibSwifft C API is documented in swifft.h. The following API variations are available:

  • swifft_avx.h: Same functions as in swifft.h but with an added suffix _AVX and implemented using AVX instruction set.

  • swifft_avx2.h: Same functions as in swifft.h but with an added suffix _AVX2 and implemented using AVX2 instruction set.

  • swifft_avx512.h: Same functions as in swifft.h but with an added suffix _AVX512 and implemented using AVX512 instruction set.

  • swifft.h: Selects the implementations using the most advanced instruction set that was built into the library.

The version of LibSWIFFT is provided by the API in swifft_ver.h.

The main LibSWIFFT C++ API is documented in swifft.hpp.

An extended use of the LibSWIFFT API follows the following steps:

  • Allocate buffers: LibSWIFFT defines 3 types of buffers - input, output and compact. The input buffer ‘BitSequence input[SWIFFT_INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE]’ holds a vector in Z_2^{2048} where each element takes 1 bit, the output buffer ‘BitSequence output[SWIFFT_OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE]’ holds a vector in Z_{257}^{64} where each element takes 16 bits, and the compact buffer ‘BitSequence compact[SWIFFT_COMPACT_BLOCK_SIZE]’ holds a value in Z_{256}^64 taking 64 bytes.

  • Populate input buffers: An input buffer is populated in preparation for hashing. This is normally done by directly setting the bits in the input buffer. Each bit corresponds to an element of the vector with a value in {0,1}.

  • Populate sign buffers: A sign buffer is an input buffer whose bits are interpreted as sign bits. A 0-valued (resp. 1-valued) bit corresponds to a positive (resp. negative) sign. When an input buffer and a sign buffer are taken together, they define a vector in {-1,0,1}^{2048}.

  • Compute output buffers: The hash of an input buffer, with or without a sign buffer, is computed into an output buffer. This is normally done using SWIFFT_Compute() or SWIFFT_ComputeSigned().

  • Perform arithmetic operations with output buffers: LibSWIFFT provides several arithemtic (homomorphic) operations involving output buffers whose result is put into an output buffer. The vectors of output buffers may be added, subtracted, or multiplied element-wise. See below for more details.

  • Compact the output buffer: The hash in the output buffer is compacted into the compact buffer. This is an optional operation, in that the hash in the output buffer may be sufficient for certain applications.

A more restricted use of the LibSWIFFT API involves only the steps of allocating buffers, populating input buffers, and computing output buffers.

Typical code using the C API:

#include "libswifft/swifft.h"
/* later, inside a function: */
SWIFFT_ALIGN BitSequence input[SWIFFT_INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* memory-aligned */
SWIFFT_ALIGN BitSequence output[SWIFFT_OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* memory-aligned */
SWIFFT_ALIGN BitSequence compact[SWIFFT_COMPACT_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* optional, memory-aligned */
SWIFFT_ALIGN BitSequence sign[SWIFFT_INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* optional, memory-aligned */
/* after input (and optionally sign) is populated (not shown here), it is time to compute the hash: */
SWIFFT_Compute(input, output); /* compute the hash of the input into the output */
SWIFFT_Compact(output, compact); /* optionally, compact the hash */
/* or the signed hash can be computed instead */
SWIFFT_Compute(input, sign, output); /* compute the hash of the signed input into the output */
SWIFFT_Compact(output, compact); /* optionally, compact the hash */

Buffers must be memory-aligned in order to avoid a segmentation fault when passed to LibSWIFFT functions: statically allocated buffers should be aligned using SWIFFT_ALIGN, and dynamically allocated buffers should use an alignment of SWIFFT_ALIGNMENT, e.g., via aligned_alloc function in stdlib.h. The transformation functions SWIFFT_ComputeMultiple(), SWIFFT_ComputeMultipleSigned() and SWIFFT_CompactMultiple() apply operations to multiple blocks. The arithmetic functions SWIFFT_ConstSet(), SWIFFT_ConstAdd(), SWIFFT_ConstSub(), SWIFFT_ConstMul(), SWIFFT_Set(), SWIFFT_Add(), SWIFFT_Sub(), SWIFFT_Mul() provide vectorized and homomorphic operations on an output block, while SWIFFT_ConstSetMultiple(), SWIFFT_ConstAddMultiple(), SWIFFT_ConstSubMultiple(), SWIFFT_ConstMulMultiple(), SWIFFT_SetMultiple(), SWIFFT_AddMultiple(), SWIFFT_SubMultiple(), SWIFFT_Mul() provide corresponding operations to multiple blocks.

Typical code using the C++ API:

#include "libswifft/swifft.hpp"
using namespace LibSwifft;
/* later, inside a function: */
SwifftInput input; /* auto-memory-aligned */
SwifftOutput output; /* auto-memory-aligned */
SwifftCompact compact; /* optional, auto-memory-aligned */
SwifftInput sign; /* optional, auto-memory-aligned */
/* after input (and optionally sign) is populated (not shown here), it is time to compute the hash: */
SWIFFT_Compute(,; /* compute the hash of the input into the output */
SWIFFT_Compact(,; /* optionally, compact the hash */
/* or the signed hash can be computed instead */
SWIFFT_Compute(,,; /* compute the hash of the signed input into the output */
SWIFFT_Compact(,; /* optionally, compact the hash */

Assignment and equality operators are available for SwifftInput, SwifftOutput, SwifftCompact instances. Arithemtic and arithmetic-assignment operators, corresponding to the arithmetic functions in the C API, are available for SwifftOutput instances.

Typical code using the recommended SWIFFT object APIs (since v1.2.0):

#include "libswifft/swifft_object.h"
using namespace LibSwifft;
/* initialize object APIs once, possibly inside a function: */
swifft_object_t swifft;
/* later, inside a function: */
SwifftInput input; /* auto-memory-aligned */
SwifftOutput output; /* auto-memory-aligned */
SwifftCompact compact; /* optional, auto-memory-aligned */
/* arithmetic operations are available via swifft.arith, for example: */
swifft.arith.SWIFFT_ConstSet(, 1);
/* hash operations are available via swifft.hash, for example: */
swifft.hash.SWIFFT_Compute(,; /* compute the hash of the input into the output */
swifft.hash.SWIFFT_Compact(,; /* optionally, compact the hash */