Design of LibSWIFFT Code

At a high level, LibSWIFFT includes a layer of C code that provides the C API and a layer of C++ code on top of it that provides the C++ API. New features are normally added to the C layer and then wrapped by the C++ layer.

The C layer is composed of the main API and the microarchitecture-specific APIs, discussed in more detail below. In regular use cases, one would normally use the main API only, which selects the best microarchitecture-specific API for the platform the library was built for. In more sophisticated use cases, one could use a microarchitecture-specific APIs directly, e.g., to provide an optimized feature. The main C and C++ APIs are respectively provided by the swifft.h and swifft.hpp headers.

File and Directory Structure

LibSWIFFT has the following file and directory structure:

File or Directory



root directory of headers

. libswifft

directory of LibSWIFFT headers

. . common.h

LibSWIFFT public C common definitions

. . swifft.h

LibSWIFFT public C API

. . swifft.hpp

LibSWIFFT public C++ API

. . swifft_avx.h

LibSWIFFT public C API for AVX

. . swifft_avx2.h

LibSWIFFT public C API for AVX2

. . swifft_avx512.h

LibSWIFFT public C API for AVX512

. . swifft_common.h

LibSWIFFT public C definitions

. . swifft_iset.inl

LibSWIFFT public C API expansion for instruction-sets

. . swifft_ver.h

LibSWIFFT public C API


directory of LibSWIFFT sources

. swifft.c

LibSWIFFT public C implementation

. swifft.inl

LibSWIFFT internal C code expansion

. swifft_avx.c

LibSWIFFT public C implementation for AVX

. swifft_avx2.c

LibSWIFFT public C implementation for AVX2

. swifft_avx512.c

LibSWIFFT public C implementation for AVX512

. swifft_impl.inl

LibSWIFFT internal C definitions

. swifft_keygen.cpp

LibSWIFFT internal C code generation

. swifft_ops.inl

LibSWIFFT internal C code expansion

. transpose_8x8_16_sse2.inl

LibSWIFFT internal C code for matrix transposing

Main API

The main C API has the following organization:

The main C++ API has the following organization:

  • Wrapper classes: SwifftInput, SwifftOutput, SwifftCompact. These wrap input, output, and compact buffers with automatic memory-alignment.

  • Wrapper logical operators: The wrapper classes provide equality and inequality operators.

  • Wrapper arithmetic operators: The wrapper classes provides operators for setting, adding, subtracting, and multiplying the current SwifftOutput instance with another or with a constant value.

Microarchitecture-Specific APIs

The microarchitecture-specific APIs have the following organization:

  • Similarity to the main C API: Each microarchitecure-specific function has the same name as a corresponding main C API but with an added suffix, the same parameter signature, and the same semantics.

  • Name-suffix depending on microarchitecture feature: There are 3 sets of microarchitecture-specific functions corresponding to the 3 suffixes _AVX, _AVX2, and _AVX512 that respectively provide implementations optimized for a microarchitecture supporting AVX, AVX2, and AVX512F instruction-sets.

Code Conventions

Major code conventions used in LibSWIFFT are:

  • SWIFFT-related symbols of the C API start with SWIFFT_.

  • Non-SWIFFT-related symbols of the C API start with LIBSWIFFT_

  • Symbols in the C++ API are in namespace LibSwifft.

  • SWIFFT-related functions are thread-safe and constant-time.

  • Arguments are assumed non-overlapping in memory.

Conditional Compilation

Major goals of LibSWIFFT code in using conditional compilation are:

  • Prevent a header for being compiled multiple times.

  • Compile microarchitecture-specific code only on a supporting platform.

  • Compile C++ or OpenMP code only on a supporting compiler.